• Commercial Fire Insurance

    Our standard coverage includes the perils of Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Thunderbolt, Riots, Strikes, Civil Commotion, Malicious Damage, Water damage (Burst Pipes), Earthquake, subterranean fire, volcanic eruption, tidal wave, tsunami, Cyclone. However, if you require cover for the peril of cyclone we require you to provide us with an engineer's certificate from our panel of certified engineers. Based on the above information, please advise if you require cyclone cover.:

    (please provide full address details if possible)
    (whether of concrete, brick, wood, iron or other material)
    In the event of a large claim, your premises may not become occupiable seeing you lose on rental income or reduction in business turnover. Do you require insurance to cover for this shortfall? :

    If so, please provide your nominated Gross Profit amount or your likely loss in rental.
    (please refer to our PROPERTY INSURANCE ADVICE FORM for a detailed explanation on the above two terms)
    Enter security code:
     Security code

Company Informations

Sun Insurance Company Limited

Grnd & Level 1 Sun Insurance,
Kaunikula House,
Laucala Bay Road, Suva

Contact Details

E-mail address:

Contact Us!

331 3822

Available 8:00am - 5:00pm


Postal: Sun Insurance,

Private Mail Bag Suva,

Fiji Islands